Our “Lifeline Chat” is a virtual space for LGBTQ SAVES members (ages 13-24) to connect with each other outside of physical meetings and events. Discord members enjoy access to exclusive virtual events, which include game nights, workshops, and more. Our Lifeline Chat is monitored by a team of volunteers.
Lifeline Chat is not a crisis chat and is not intended to be a resource for mental health crises. Our volunteers will refer youth and their families to properly trained professionals when mental health comes into question.
Create a Discord account. You can access Discord in your browser or download the app to your phone or computer.
After setting up your account, use the server link to request access to the Lifeline Chat:
You will be prompted to fill out a membership application before being granted full access to the chat.
Youth who do not fill out the membership application will not be granted access to the Discord server.
Youth ages 18+ will be subjected to a background check prior to gaining access to the Discord server.
At this time, our Discord server is only open to LGBTQ+ youth ages 13-24, our volunteers, and our staff.
Contact bertinand.gardner@lgbtqsaves.org for questions or issues accessing Lifeline Chat.